

Almost exactly a year ago, I bought a bike. It was second hand, heavy and highly reminiscent of a classic Netherlands style bike. It was also inexpensive and met the specifications I gave to the shop owner; "the biggest one you've got".

At that point, it had been years since I'd ridden a bike, but unsurprisingly it was just like riding a bike, I remembered everything from when I cycled as a child; essentially nothing.

Living in a traffic rich area and having the same natural balance as an upright banana, it didn't see much use on the road. Many months later, the world was in lock-down and I had an opportunity! An opportunity that wouldn't dawn on me for a few months of course, but "The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is today." With that I went out for a bike ride.

Now, I've steadily gained proficiency in cycling and can list the following achievements:

  • Cycling into the city centre to catch a train, where I've almost been hit once

  • Making the rare commute into work, where I've almost been hit more than once.

  • Cycling in the wind and rain during rush hour, where I've almost been hit, frequently.

  • Parking in a multi-storey bike park, where I've almost been hit (those pull out stands at head height can be tricky if you're not paying attention).

  • Cycled around a Dutch-style roundabout, where I've almost been hit; or rather, if I hadn't of applied the brakes I would technically have hit the card crossing the cycle lane.

  • Replaced brake pads, adjusted all the parts I could adjust and pumped up the tyres on my new-old bike, where I did in fact get hit (don't stand up while under a bike shelter).