No article this week; Tough Mudder preparation has taken over. I've almost finished my highly detailed six month personal exercise plan. I just need to colour coordinate the sections and it'll be ready to use.
Running gear is all taken care of. I've got a lovely looking pair of brand new, never worn (maximising tread grip) trail shoes. I've even been practising mud avoidance strategies to keep them clean on the day. So far I've found working on the computer to be the best method. Speaking of which, I've accumulated several hundred hours of first person race day video viewing.
In terms of training, the big three are all under control. My nightly carb loading routine is going well, nose clearing without the aid of a tissue is down to a ten percent critical failure rate and I've been running drills in changing under a towel to minimise the risk of exposure. Exposure is a killer in outdoor endurance races.