Oh Tetris. An indomitable force in the gaming world. Stack blocks to fill rows. Completed rows disappear. Clear more rows simultaneously to get more points. Simple and certainly doesn't need building upon. But alas, in the ninety-nine player battle royal free-for-all saturated market, Tetris stood up and said “me too”. Now we have Tetris 99, where you pit your packing skills against ninety-eight other players, and each time two or more lines are cleared someone else gets a row or more of rubbish forcing its way up from the bottom of their screen. Each player chooses (in broad terms) who they attack, whether it be those who are already struggling and about to loose, players who have knocked out others, or their own attackers. All the time, the music and speed at which the tetrominoes fall increases, until only two players are left in a frenzied fight to the death. It's a funny time to be alive really.