The Mandela Effect, so called because a large number of people believe Nelson Mandela died in prison some time in the 1980's and not 2013, is something I got to experience first hand this week.
Forrest Gump never said “Life is like a box of chocolates”, Darth Vader never said “Luke, I am your father”, Hannible Lecter never says “Hello Clarice” and Snow White's evil stepmother never said “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”.
But the one that got me was Gandalf never said “Run you fools” but rather “Fly you fools” which is bonkers. Apparently, the original theatrical version said “run”, an alteration from the book for the benefit of modern moviegoers, and was later dubbed over for all other versions. But I haven't been able to find actual video evidence supporting this. Madness.